The Trent Experience: A Mature Student’s Perspective

Written and Photos By: Amy Bridges

My journey getting to Trent has been a long one. I went to a private college straight out of high school for makeup and a car accident changed that plan. A couple of years later I went to Durham College for Journalism and just like makeup, health issues got in the way.

 I went back to what I know – retail. I realized while working retail that I wanted more. I wanted to wake up excited to go to work. So, I decided to take one last stab at it and go to Trent.

I was terrified to start university at 30, the fear almost stopped me. I kept focussing on how old I was going to be when I finished. Eventually I figured the time was going to pass anyway. No matter what I did was going to turn 40 anyway, so I might as well do something with that time.

I took the plunge despite my jitters. I jumped in with both feet and within a month of starting the application process I was going to orientation and jump starting my future. I originally started at Trent in the psychology stream. I loved the atmosphere and the feeling of being in an academic setting again. I couldn’t stop talking about my classes and being at school again. I had found a second home at Trent. As I took more classes I ended up falling in love with the anthropology/archaeology department and eventually changed my major.

Through all the changes and discovering my true passion at Trent, my age was never an issue. There were long stretches where I even forgot I was a mature student. (Except when there were moments that aged me, like when a classmate asked what a floppy disk was.)

I am now in my third year here at Trent and I wouldn’t change my decision for the world. It has not been easy and there has been a learning curve to get around but Trent has changed my life for the better. Between the professors who have been nothing but helpful and inspiring; to the assistance I have received through the accessibility department with my disabilities; and even bursaries and other programs, Trent has done everything they can to make sure I succeed.

I will be graduating in June of 2022 at the age of 34 with a B.A. in Anthropology and I have plans to continue my academic career all because of Trent. My future looks brighter and I no longer have any fear about where and when I will land when I am finished. Coming to Trent as a mature student has been the best decision of my life.  I am now waking up excited instead of dreading my day.

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