My Goodbye to Trent University

Photos and written by Amy Bridges             This post is not only my goodbye to the 2021-2022 year but my goodbye to the blog and Trent University. The winter semester was my last semester of my B.A. which also means it was my last semester at Trent University. My experience at Trent University has been... Continue Reading →

Find joy in the small things

Photos and written by Amy Bridges                If the pandemic has taught me anything its that you need to find joy in the small things. These last couple of years have been hard and unforgiving and it has been hard to find joy amongst the mess. I have had to teach myself to find joy... Continue Reading →

Amy’s 8 Tips on how to write an Essay

As I finish writing the essay that was worth 25% of my grade, I realized I haven’t written a tip guide on essay writing so here it is. My suggestion is you start with my Research Tips first and then we move on from there. While essay writing is not my greatest strength, I have figured out some tricks to make it a lot less painful.

Dealing with a set back

Photos and Written By Amy Bridges                 On Tuesday morning at 7am after the rain had frozen and the snow blanketed the ground, I left my house and started my walk to the bus stop. Little did I know I was going to fall and hit the pavement three times before even making it to... Continue Reading →

An Ode to Post-its

Photos and written by Amy Bridges Last semester I wrote an Ode to Tacos …. This semester it is my Ode to Post-its. I use them for EVERYTHING. They are even in every single bag I own and sometimes even my coat pockets. While Post-its for some may be a luxury item when it comes... Continue Reading →

Why I am a notetaker

Photos and written by Amy Bridges                  I deal with A.D.D. and migraines which means some days can be not so nice. On days like those where I have one or both things active to a high degree notes are necessary. If I have a migraine I will concentrate as much as I can on... Continue Reading →

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