Why you should take classes for fun and not just for your major

Photo by and written by Amy Bridges

While we are all at university to get a degree in the end, there is one thing you should make sure you do before you graduate, and that is take some classes for fun. That’s right you read that right – For FUN! On top of your normal prerequisites for your major to graduate you need to take classes that aren’t in your major to graduate as well. My suggestion is taking something that isn’t even close to your major that sounds fun.

Not only will it break up the monotony of your major. No matter how much you love ancient cultures, statistics, psychology or whatever it is that fuels your passion to get that degree a break will be good for you. A break in your classes will not only give your brain a needed break from constantly reading about one thing. I find sometimes I just need something different to let my brain rest. It will also help with your mental health and help to slow down burn out.

Fun classes that aren’t in your major can help you to lighten the load as well. Whether it is an art, photography, a literature class, music or a class about video games which is what I am taking this semester. You won’t regret it.  This class has been a blessing. It not only is lighter on the course load so I don’t feel overwhelmed but it is forcing me to do something I normally neglect which is playing video games. It is like a built-in self care class. I have also been able to meet people from other disciplines of the school. It not only adds fun but new friends too.

So, while you are making your choices for the Winter semester try and add a fun course that you wouldn’t normally think about, for some fun, self-care and to broaden your horizons a little bit.

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