Controlling the chaos – Organizing for the new semester

Photos and written by Amy Bridges

It’s a new year and a new semester and that means setting up my bullet journal and organizing my assignments in ready for the start of classes. 2022 like 2021 and the year we shall not speak of looks different but there are many similarities within the semesters too. There are still due dates and assignments and class time and that I know how to organize.

While I use a physical bullet journal as well as cue cards the way I organize my assignments and due dates could be done digitally or just with a pen and paper. I will go through what I do and how and why I do it in detail but incase you don’t have time here is a short list of what I do to prepare for the new semester.

I create:

  • Full calendar to write down any future dates that may come up like exams
  • A school section in my bullet journal
    • School needs
    • Schedule
    • Class lists            
      • Each Class gets its own list of assignments and all due dates with check boxes
  • Weekly setups with assignments and due dates written down on the proper days
  • Cue cards with all assignments from all classes written in chronological order

Full Calendar

For Future dates, and an overview look

When there is a new year or I have to move to a new bullet journal I will always set up a Future Log or a Full year calendar with room for me to write down any dates or appointments (if you want to see all of my spreads you can follow me on instagram @TheBujoBombshell). Some of those dates being reading week and any exam dates that pop up. I make sure I have a Future Log because I only create one month at a time in my bullet journal and that way, I can still write down dates that are in March if I am only in January. While I always have some form of art added to my bullet journal it is not needed. You could also use a digital calendar for this same purpose.

School Section in my Bullet Journal

To separate and condense what I need in one easy to find area

Each semester gets its own section in my bullet journal. I break it up into three sections

There is always a section for school needs like textbooks, paper, pens and anything else like headphones. This year I have added an iPad to see if it will help with my e-reading (I will update you after I get it). This way I can check off what I need and write down anything else that comes up.

Another section I set up is my schedule. I tend to have a funny memory where I can remember exact dates and in the next minute forget what I do every Monday. So I make sure that I write down a set class schedule so that I don’t forget a class time or a seminar.

The last section is the most important of the sections. Each class I have gets its own set up or spread. I split the page into three sections there is room for the due dates, the assignments and readings and a spot to check them off when they are finished. I go through each of the syllabi and write down readings, assignments, quizzes and tests in chronological order for the class. This way I know what to do first and when there are large assignments.

Again, you don’t have to use a bullet journal you can do all of these or even some of these on pieces of paper, in a document or digitally on a calendar.

Bullet Journal monthly and weeklies

For daily use so I can keep track of things without getting overwhelmed

Once that is set up, I go into my monthly and weekly set ups in my bullet journal. Like the future log and school set ups I always add some art to these set ups but they are not necessary. It may seem like I just keep repeating things but it allows me to see things in different views. Every month I will get its own set up. It gets a title page, a monthly calendar that will have class time, appointments and other things. I then make a monthly note page or anything I feel like writing there and then weeklies. Every two-page spread will run Sunday to Saturday and here I will rewrite the assignments for that week. This way I can see all my classes for the week and what I need to tackle first or what has the most to do. This may be unnecessary for you but I find it quite helpful.

Cue Cards

For an overview of what needs to be done and a backup incase things were missed somewhere else

I will also make cue cards with the due dates and assignments of all the classes going from start to finish in chronological order. I will also highlight any big assignments. Using the cue cards, I can see the assignments in a weekly, monthly or complete view. That way I can see the trajectory of the semester in as big of a spectrum as I need. I sometimes find that if I look at it as a complete view it can be overwhelming and anxiety inducing but if I break it down into a month or a week it looks more doable. It also ensures that I didn’t miss anything. Everything gets backed up and that way if I missed it in my bullet journal, I caught it on the cue cards.

I have been doing this method for a couple of years now and it has been quite helpful. I did not do the cue cards last semester and while it was easier to keep track of less things, I missed being able to see the big projects on a big scale so I went back to them.

I hope this helps in organizing some of your chaos too. If you do anything different or if this helps please comment below!

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